Cranberry Sauce

Hello and Happy Holidays!!

The Holiday season is upon us and celebrating with delicious, festive food is an enjoyable part of the season.

Specifically, cranberry sauce is a common ingredient and traditional condiment that is typical for the Winter Holidays.

I wanted to introduce a homemade Cranberry Sauce that can be made from 3 ingredients and takes only about 5 minutes of your time.

There are added sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, colorants, or preservatives.

Watch a video below on how to make this recipe or just print it out.

The ingredients:

  • 3 cups of fresh cranberries
  • 1 fresh Fyui persimmon
  • 4 dates (all pits removed)
  • 2 cups of filtered water

The equipment:

  • A blender, knife, cutting board, and a 4-cup Mason glass jar

The preparation:

  1. Remove cranberries from a package and rinse under cold water.
  2. Wash and peel persimmon and cut into 4 pieces
  3. Put cranberries, dates, persimmon, and water into a blender.
  4. Blend well until the mixture becomes smooth and homogenous.
  5. Serve immediately.
  6. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 4 days or freeze in the portion-sized containers for up to 2 months.

Yield: 4 cups

Total servings: 16 (each serving is 1/4 cup)

Total calories: 500 kcal (31.25 kcal per serving)

This recipe makes about 4 cups of Cranberry Sauce, which can serve 16 people. You can also cut the recipe in half to make less of it.

Watch a 1-minute video on how to make this recipe.

Cranberry Sauce

This recipe needs only 3 ingredients and takes about 5 minutes to make.
All of the ingredients are fresh and raw, and no cooking is necessary.
There are no added sugars, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, colorants, or taste enhancers.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
0 minutes
Servings 16 people
Calories 31.25 kcal


  • Blender
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • 4 cups Mason jar


  • 3 cups fresh cranberries
  • 1 piece fresh persimmon
  • 4 pieces Medjool dates (pits removed)
  • 2 cups filtered water


  • Remove cranberries from a package and rinse under cold water
  • Wash and peel the persimmon and cut into 4 pieces
  • In the blender, combine cranberries, persimmon, and dates
  • Add water to the blender
  • Blend everything until smooth and homogenous.
  • Taste and adjust it to your preference. For example, you may want to add a few more dates to make the sauce sweeter.
  • Store in a refrigerator for up to 4 days or freeze in the portion-sized containers for up to 2 months.


This recipe makes about 4 cups of Cranberry Sauce, which can serve 16 people. You can also cut the recipe in half to make less of it.
It is ready to serve immediately. You can store this Cranberry Sauce in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. 
Nataliya @
Keyword antioxidants, dairy-free, delicious, easy, gluten-free, lowcalorie, noaddedoil, noaddedsugar, nutrient-rich, nutrition, plant-based, raw, vegan, wholefoods



Raw Vegan Cheesecake

Raw Vegan Cheesecake

Nataliya Bryantsev "Being in Best Health" ,
Raw Vegan Cheesecake
Happy weekend!
Inspired by raw vegan recipe creators, I was looking for a no-oil added raw vegan version of a cheesecake. Most of the recipes call for coconut oil or coconut milk. While coconut oil or milk can make cheesecake very smooth and rich, it also adds a handful of calories and fat.
I wanted to make a cheesecake using only nuts and fruit, without added oils, sugars, or colorants. So that I could have a cake and eat it, too. And not to feel guilty, heavy, sleepy, or comatose after eating a dessert.
By the way, do you know that a piece of cheesecake can contain up to 1,000 cal or even more? This recipe provides only 390 calories per slice; moreover, it is low in salt, has no added sugars and oils, and zero artificial ingredients and trans fats.
Here we go: for this recipe, I used soaked raw cashews, fresh berries, and dates. That’s it. And it was heavenly.
A 9-inch springform pan, blender with a plunger (I used a Vitamix), parchment paper, and bowls.
3 cups of raw cashews - soak them overnight or for 8 hours in cold water to get about 6 cups of soaked nuts (they expand about twice in size).
Blueberries (fresh or frozen) - 1/3 cup
Raspberries and blackberries (fresh or frozen) - 1/3 cup
Dates Medjool, without pits - 14
Filtered water - at least 3 cups
This recipe is 100% plant-based, gluten-free, flour-free, and has noadded oils, sugars, colorants, or salt. I made it for the fourth of July holiday.
Prep Time 1 day
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 8 slices
Calories 392 kcal


  • 9-inch springform pan
  • blender with a plunger
  • bowl for soaking nuts
  • parchment paper - a square of 12x12 inches


  • 3 cups raw dried cashews - Nuts reqiure an overnight or 8-hour soaking in 4 cups of cold water
  • 1/3 cup blueberries - I used fresh
  • 1/3 cup a mix of raspberries and blackberries - I used fresh
  • 14 pieces dates, Medjool, without pits - take care to remove the pits and stems
  • 3 cups filtered water - for blending the ingredients


  • 1. This step needs to be done in advance. Prepare the nuts: Soak the nuts for 8 hours or overnight in 4 cups of cold water. Drain the soaking water, rinse, and drain again.
    2. Prepare the springform pan: Release the lock, cover the bottom of the pan with a parchment paper, and lock in place.
    3. Prepare the white layer:
    Measure 2 cups of soaked cashews, add 1/2 cups of water, and blend into a thick mixture using the plunger. Add a bit more water if a blender stops. Add 6 dates and blend well. Add a bit more water if needed. Taste for sweetness and add a few more dates if needed. Transfer the white mixture into the pan and let it freeze for at least 4 hours or until firm.
    4. Prepare the red layer:
    Divide the remaining cashews into two parts (about 2 cups each). Put 1 part of cashews into a blender, add raspberries, 1/4 cups of water, and blend with a plunger. Add a bit of water if blender stops and blend again. Add 4 dates and blend well. Taste for sweetness and add a few more dates if needed. Take the pan out of the freezer and transfer the red mixture on top of the frozen white mixture, and let it freeze for at least 4 hours or until its firm.
    5. Prepare the blue layer:
    Put the remaining cashews into a blender, add blueberries, 1/4 cup ofwater, and blend with a plunger. Add a bit of water if blender stops. Add 4 dates and blend well. Taste for sweetness and add a few more dates if needed. Take the pan out of the freezer and transfer the blue mixture on top of the frozen red mixture. Let it freeze for at least 4 hours. Decorate the top of the cake with berries and return to a freezer for another 12 hours to set.
    6. Serve the cake:
    To slice a cake, remove it from the freezer. Release the lock and take the cake out of the pan. Peel the parchment paper away from the bottom of the cake. Put the cake onto the bottom of the pan and let it thaw for 5 minutes. Slice with a sharp knife into 8 or 10 pieces. Put the pan back on, lock it, and put the cake in the freezer. Store it in the freezer for up to 2 weeks. To serve a cake, take out slices and let them thaw at room temperature for about 15 minutes before eating.
    This recipe is 100% plant-based, gluten-free, dairy-free, flour-free, and has no added oils, sugars, colorants, or salt.
    Nutritional analysis by Chronometer: One serving (1 slice out of 8) contains:
    Calories - 392, protein - 9.75 g, fat – 21.5 g, carbohydrates - 42.8 g, trans fats – 0 g, saturated fat – 3.8 g, monounsaturated fat – 11.6 g, fiber – 5 g, sodium- 6.4 mg, and added sugars – 0 g.
    Nataliya @
    Andrews, A. (2019). Raw strawberry cheesecake: gluten-free.
    Baird, L. & Rodwel, J. (2005). The complete book of raw food.Healthy Living Books: New York, NY
    Chronometer. (2020). Recipe analysis.
Keyword dairy-free, flour-free, gluten-free, gut health, no-bake, noaddedoil, noaddedsugar, plant-based, raw, vegan

I hope you try this recipe. Let me know how it turned out for you.

Best wishes,



Cauliflower “Rice”


I’m excited to share with you my version of the recipe called Cauliflower “Rice”.

This recipe is so quick to make that it became one of my staples!

I wanted to highlight the benefits of this recipe:

It is 100% grain-free and gluten-free!
It’s made with fresh vegetables and herbs – it means that your body will get lots of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals!
It is low in fat and calories and has no added oil – it means it is perfect for those who watches the calories or tries to lose weight. (You can certainly add some olive, avocado or sesame oil to it if you like; however, I encourage you to try it first and see how it tastes to you.)
It has no additives or sweeteners; however, it tastes slightly sweet and pleasantly delicious because of the natural carbohydrates present in carrots and cauliflower.
This recipe is 100% raw and uncooked; however, you can steam or cook the cauliflower (and even carrots) if this is your preference.

You will need the following ingredients:

cauliflower, carrots, onion, scallion, avocado, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar,  and optional Himalayan salt.

You will need this equipment:

a cutting board, a knife, a food processor (I used a Cuisinart), and a mixing bowl


2 cups cauliflower florets, chopped
3 carrots, sliced
1/2 onion, sliced
1 scallion, chopped
2 Tbs parsley, chopped
1 avocado, cubed
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 Tbs raw apple cider vinegar
Optional: 1/16 tsp sea salt

Yield: 4 cups

Serving size: 1 cup

Method of preparation:

Put all ingredients (except avocado) in a food processor and pulse until the mixture combines homogenous.
Transfer the mixture into a bowl, add the cubes of the avocado, and mix it all well.
Test the taste and adjust as needed by adding more salt.
Serve immediately with any meal or as a snack.
Store in a refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Download the Recipe” Cauliflower rice”

Here is a quick video on how to make this delicious recipe:

Let me know if you have any questions!



Happy New Year! Feliz Navidad!

Happy New Year to everyone I know and don’t know yet!

Have you counted all the blessings that you have experienced in the 2018?

When I reflect on the passing 2018, I remember so many wonderful events and supportive people! Thank you all so much, you shaped my life, and I feel so grateful!

My wishes for you is to have a wonderful New 2019 Year! May it be bright, colorful, energizing, and filled with lots of smiles, laughs, support, blessings, and love!

To celebrate the transition, I prepared the raw vegan pumpkin mini-pies, carrot and orange juices, and fermented beet kvass (the recipes are coming soon). Cheers!

As always, I’m happy to hear from you – your questions, ideas, recipes, comments, etc.

See you in the 2019! 🙂




“Burgers”! Vegan and Raw

I’m excited to finally share with you a very delicious recipe: Raw Vegan “Burgers”!

I made them for the first time around Thanksgiving holiday, and later I experimented with the recipe and tried a few different versions of it.

The bottom line: these “burgers” do not have any animal ingredients, so please do not expect that the taste and texture will be just as it usually is in an animal-based product.

However, these vegan “burgers” are still super delicious, satisfying, filling, and quite addictive in a good way (meaning that it could be difficult to stop after eating just one “burger”). The recommended serving size for this recipe is about 2 or 3 “burgers”, depending on their size, so it means you can eat more than one!

I just wanted to mentioned one more thing: some people pay attention to the color of the vegan “burger”, and, as I learned, it mostly depends on the ingredients that you use.

This recipe will have a brownish-reddish-purple color because of the beets, and if you decided to replace the beets with a green vegetable (such as celery), the color of your product will be brownish-green. As you can see on this picture, the colors are different, but the taste and texture will be similar.

What you will need:

  • Ingredients:
    • nuts, seeds, vegetables, herbs, and spices.
  • Equipment:
    • a knife, cutting board, food processor (I like Cuisinart), a large mixing bowl.

Method of preparation:

  • Process the nuts and seeds into a fine powder.
  • Process the vegetables and herbs into a smooth mass.
  • Combine the dry and wet ingredients, form patties, and assemble them into a “burger” meal.
  • The whole process takes about 15-20 minutes.

Download a full recipe here: Burgers raw and vegan


  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 2 cups sunflower seeds
  • 1 stalk celery, chopped (1/2 cup)
  • 1 small beet, chopped (1/2 cup)
  • 1 carrot, chopped (1 cup)
  • 1 small handful parsley, chopped
  • 2 Tbs ground flax seeds
  • 3 Tbs nutritional yeast
  • 2 Tbs dried herbs (Italian seasoning)
  • Optional: 1/16 tsp sea salt

Yield: 5 cups or 9 burgers, Serving size: 2-3 “burgers”

Method of preparation:

  1. Process spices, nuts, and seeds in a food processor into a powder and set aside in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Process all vegetables and fresh herbs in food processor into a smooth mass.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, combine processed dried and wet ingredients using a large spoon or your hands, until it becomes a homogenous mass (if it is too wet, add more of the dried ingredients such as extra powdered nuts or seeds). The final texture should be not too soft or too wet.
  4. Measure about 1/2 cup of the mixture to make one patty.
  5. To serve, place a patty on a lettuce or cabbage leaf, and decorate with slices of bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, and parsley.
  6. Store in a refrigerator for up to 3 days, freeze up to 2 weeks, or serve immediately and enjoy!

Finally, I’m including my quick video with some ideas on how to make a “burger” meal and serve it in a beautiful and delicious way. Hope you find it helpful.

The inspiration for this recipe came from the book by Baird and Rodwell (referenced below).

Bon appetit and happy holidays!



Baird, L. & Rodwel, J. (2005). The Complete Book of Raw Food. Healthy Living Books: New York, NY

Pomegranate Seeds

Do you like pomegranate seeds? They are available only once a year, usually around the holiday season, in November and December.

Tasting delicious and looking gorgeous, they can add beautiful decor to any dish (think about a salad, dessert, main dish, or a breakfast smoothie bowl). But this is not all – pomegranate seeds have many health benefits!

They are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidants, anthocyanins, tannins, alkaloids, simple organic acids, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds are small but mighty inhibitors of inflammation and have anti-atherogenic and anti-hypertensive qualities (Zarfeshany, Asgary, & Javanmard, 2014; Shahindokht, 2018).

Do you know how to get the pomegranate seeds out in a fast and non-messy way? I can show you one idea; it takes slightly more than a minute to get all the seeds out from a pomegranate.

You will need the following equipment:

  • a bowl
  • a cutting board
  • a knife
  • a ladle or an oversized spoon




The steps:

  1. Wash the pomegranate and cut it in half (or quarters, if it is a big fruit).
  2. Put a bowl into a sink, take a piece of a pomegranate in your hand, and turn it upside down so that the seeds are facing the bowl.
  3. Start tapping on a pomegranate using a ladle, until all seeds come out into a bowl. One fruit can yield about 1/2 cup or more of the seeds.
  4. Use immediately or store the seeds in a glass jar in a refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  5. Add to your salads, smoothie bowls, desserts, or main dishes.

Here is a quick video that explains all the steps:

If you know a better way to remove the pomegranate seeds, let us hear from you! 🙂




Tomato Celery Cucumber Juice

It is the end of summer and I like to celebrate it with vegetable juice prepared from some local and seasonal produce.

My favorite is a homemade version of V-8 juice. The original V-8 recipe calls for eight vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, celery, beets, parsley, lettuce, spinach, and watercress.

However, I found that if I only have three ingredients, it still tastes pretty yummy.

For this Tomato Celery Cucumber Juice recipe, I like to juice tomato, celery, and cucumber, in any proportion, depending on what I have. The taste of this juice is sweet and salty and can satisfy the salty cravings in a very nutritious way.

To make an easy homemade version of V-8 juice, you will need these ingredients:

  • Tomatoes, 8-10, average size
  • Cucumber, 1 large, or 2 small
  • Celery, 2 stalks


Wash and scrub the vegetables. Depending on your juicer, you may need to cut them in halves or quarters. Put the vegetables in the juicer. Enjoy immediately or store in a refrigerator for up to 12 hours to preserve the maximum nutrition.

Here is a quick video on how to make this juice.

To your health,



Campbell’s. (2018). V-8 vegetable juice. Retrieved from

Basic Chia Pudding


I want to share another very simple and delicious meal with you. The basic  Chia Pudding is made with only three ingredients, and it still tastes pretty amazing.

It is my favorite choice for breakfast and for a midday snack. If you are still eating cereals or granola for breakfast, give this recipe a try and you might like it even more.

This recipe tastes best when it is made 2-3 hours in advance or overnight. The reason is that the chia seeds need some time to absorb the liquid, become softer, and develop a pudding-like consistency.

If you are in a rush and want to make a chia pudding and eat it right away, you may first need to grind the chia seeds into a fine powder in a dry blender or coffee maker and then use it for this recipe.

The best thing about this recipe (at least, for me) is that it doesn’t need cooking :). Also, this recipe can work with a variety of diets (vegan, vegetarian, Paleolithic, Mediterranean, and, probably, many others).

You will need:

  • 1 cup of coconut or almond milk ( I prefer the unsweetened, raw, and homemade versions)
  • 4 tsp of chia seeds, whole
  • 1/4 cup of fresh berries of your choice (sliced strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries)
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon (optional)

Yield: 1 and 1/4 cup


Pour almond or coconut milk into a bowl. Mix in the chia seeds and cinnamon. Add berries. Mix everything gently and let sit for at least for 2 hours, or preferably overnight. Enjoy for breakfast or as a midday snack.

You can view the preparation steps in this short video:

Thank you for viewing and/or trying this recipe!

Enjoy 🙂

The inspiration for this recipe came from the Medical Medium’s blog.
